About the Journal

The Electronic I DREAM Research Journal is the official peer-reviewed academic journal of the Schools Division Office of Imus City (SDOIC) published annually. The publication is a compendium of interdisciplinary academic and research works of the various fields of specialization in the SDOIC, with the traditional and new normal research journal in one that can be accessed electronically.

Articles and manuscripts were subjected to scholarly review by the editorial staff and at least three external reviewers who are experts on the specified disciplines. The various types of articles or manuscripts considered are: Original Full Academic and Original Action Research Papers. Research papers with funding from international, national, regional and local institutions were given priority for publication.

Teacher-researchers explored the following themes: 1) Teaching and Learning; 2) Human Resource Development 3) Governance 4) Child Protection; and cross cutting themes which include 1) Gender and Development 2) Disaster Risk Reduction Management and 3) Inclusive Education in the traditional and the new normal basic educational setting of the Division.

The I DREAM Research Journal now on its fourth year of publication served as a method of scholarly communication and aims to gather together and extend the profoundly interdisciplinary and growing field of the abovementioned themes and cross cutting themes, traditional, new normal and the next normal in the future for which there is no existing journal in circulation in the Division.

In the spirit of honing and building a culture of research in the Division, the editors of I DREAM Research Journal aim to do more than provide a home for creative and critical basic education researches scholarship. We want to provide researches that are reflexively constituted through its continuous educational improvement and reforms amidst the challenge of the global health crisis.