Superintendent's Message for Batch 2014
I would like to convey my heartfelt congratulations to the school heads, teachers, parents and most especially to Class 2012-2013.
Your theme "Building the Nation's Future Leaders Through the K to 12 Basic Education Program" affirms your role as purveyors of honesty, integrity and strong determination.
As life hands you challenges, welcome them as ways for you to become smarter and stronger. It took a lot of work, time and persistence to achieve the important goal that you set out to do. Considering the first batch of our newly created Division of Imus City, I am expecting everyone to soar high and be proud Imuseño.
May you achieve the things you hope for and have a life of sheer delight! Knowledge is the special key in attaining what you want in life and for being who you want to be.. May God guide you in making the right choices from hereon. Again, my congratulations!
Lualhati O. Cadavedo, Ph. D.
PSDS/OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent